Tory Rabbit and his friends are having so much fun playing and sledding in the fresh snow. As the conditions worsen, accidents keep happening all across the town. Raccoon skids and hurts his nose. Grandmother Fox slips and hurts her arms. Grandfather Bear calls a meeting of all of the animals and together they agree to clear the snow from in front of their houses to avoid dangerous conditions. But as a new snowstorm rolls in, Grandfather Bear and Tory Rabbit are the only two clearing the snow. In keeping with their promise, they clear a path in front of all of the houses. Realizing their mistake, the other animals apologize for not helping and after the next snow, they all work together to help clear the town. Social and emotional learning concepts include helping others, teamwork, and getting along with others. Book includes a note to caregivers and story coaching activities. A Reader's Theater version is available online so that children can benefit from dramatic interpretation.
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